Monday, March 1, 2010

Food for thought from Leanne Ely at Are we all just sugar junkies?

Some great Food For Thought from Leanne Ely from we just sugar junkies?
And re. supplements...of course I recommend Shaklee supplements as I have used them for 10 years and have seen such a positive change in my health and energy level as well as those of my children and husband, I do highly recommend them....

Have you noticed that your good intentions to eat better are derailed because of a socially acceptable addiction: we're sugar junkies. It's easy to brush this one off. It's not nearly as unacceptable as alcoholism; there are no 12 step programs dedicated to getting you off sugar. Its addictive traits are pictured beautifully in magazines, on television commercials and on the wrappers of the food itself: great big luscious looking cinnamon buns with melty icing dripping down the sides. Glossy chocolate bars waiting for us to sink our teeth into their brown riches. It's overpowering and intoxicating! But we have to understand this: sugar is most likely at the very heart and soul of our body clutter. No matter what form it takes, whether it be in the simple carb form of white rice or white flour, or something more obvious like ice cream, pie and chocolate, it has the same deleterious effect on our bodies: it makes us feel good for awhile, but then it tears us down to the ground--just like an addict who needs another fix.
I'm here to tell you it's time to get real and call food a drug when it acts like one and that is exactly what sugar is doing. A Princeton study found that fast food and sweets can be nearly as addictive as heroin because they set off hormonal changes in the body. They believe that eating a lot of foods that are high in fat and sugar can activate your brain the same way drugs can. That's scary! But it doesn't have to be that way! You can make some simple changes that will set you free from this bondage. Here is a simple list to help you kick your sugar habit:
1) Eat good quality protein sources with each meal. Making sure you have protein will help stabilize your blood sugar. Stable blood sugar means you will feel better and are less likely to develop the cravings that pull you down

.2) Make an easy exchange. White flour, white sugar and white rice do nothing for you nutritionally. Nothing! Change them out for whole wheat flour, xylitol (see for info) and brown rice. Easy substitutes and you will notice a dramatic difference in how you feel. If it is difficult to completely change, start mixing the white with the brown and making the change gradually.

3) Supplements may help. Specifically, vitamin C, a B-complex, calcium with magnesium and chromium picolinate. Please understand: this is information I have gathered: I am not diagnosing nor prescribing anything to anyone! Please don't email me asking me how to use these supplements or which ones to buy.

4) Move! That means the e-word: exercise! When you move, you produce endorphins. Endorphins make you happy and this will in turn also help to quell the desire and craving of sugar. (although you crash later on sugar; you don't from exercise induced endorphins). Above all, stay balanced when you eat! You need protein, complex carbohydrates (not the simple ones!), fats and water. My menus are designed to be very balanced and will help you get your nutritional self together for dinner.

Go to the website and pick up your free menu and shopping list when you sign up for our newsletters. You are your own nutritional expert for your own body. I've said that for years starting in my very first book. You need balanced eating, a healthy dose of common sense and a new attitude that says yes to success!


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