Sunday, December 26, 2010

Holiday Stress!!!! Did it catch up with you?

Happy holidays to all of you. I feel like I am coming out of the fog of Christmas chaos. It was all good but the preparing really can take over,sometimes with out you even knowing.
This year it caught up with me. Me who is 'never' sick, caught a little something. It cramps your style when you get sick. And at this time of year it sure gets in the way.
A few things that happened.
Sore throat
SI joint and low back pain!!!
Sore muscles.
Stuffy nose

What I did to help.
Increased my immune support. By that I mean I took more vitamin C, more vitamin D3, more probiotics and more Nutriferon, one of my favorite herbal supplements. Clinically proven and patented by Shaklee, these four plant extract, when taken together, actually help your body produce more interferon, a component of your immune system (similar to the spark plugs of a car). It is safe to take 6 a day. And I did. I look enough Vitamin C until I felt like it was causing a mild diarrhea. That is when you know you have had enough. Vitamin C is water soluble so it will get rid of what you don't need. I needed a lot.

What else did I do?

Got a massage and an adjustment. I loved the massage as my chiropractor used essential oil during the massage. They helped to reduce the pain and relax my muscles. My favorites( as well as my chiropractor ) are PanAway, Valor and Peppermint. All from Young living oils. Wonderfully effective and smell great.

Hot Yoga: my local health club has a hot yoga class I just love. The past few weeks leading up to Christmas, the instructor has been leading in a practice of detox. 1 1/2 hours of 100 degree temps and twisting and Vinysa flow yoga, and you feel great. I highly recommend some type of yoga as a form of relaxation, stretching and quieting the mind. So essential at this time of year.

Cut down on my sugar intake.
Sugar impacts your immune system in a negative way. By decreasing your sweets and adding a pro biotic can help you combat the attack on your immunity. I often add B complex along with Optiflora to help reduce my cravings for sweets and increase my energy.

Rest, rest, rest. It was hard with so much to do but taking a little nap during the day and trying to get to bed a little earlier can make a difference. I tried but now that all the presents are opened and relatives gone home, I am not setting the alarm.

Holidays can catch up with you for sure. I don't think I was prepared as well as I should have been. Next time I will remember how I felt this Christmas and start boosting my immunity a few weeks before the holiday.

******Click into the product guide on the right to view products mentioned above.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Winter Wellness Kit______

Keep yourself healthy through the Holidays.

Vitamin C: 500 mg sustained release

Nutriferon: Powerful, clinically proven natural immune support that stimulates own bodies Interferon production

Defend and Resist: Echinacea and Zinc: take at the first sign of a cold , decreases the duration of illness.

$78 for all 3 products

Free Shipping and Membership

*tax not included

Friday, October 29, 2010

Breaking the Sugar Habit

Breaking the Sugar Habit

This information was shared by nutritionist Barb Lagoni. It is wonderful information to think about as we head into a time of year where sugar is just running rampant.
It's tough to break the habit, but once you do, you feel SO much better.

One of the biggest challenges of eating healthy is removing simple carbohydrates, sugars and empty-calorie snacks from our diet. Sweets, snacks, chips, pasta, crackers, pretzels, potatoes, rice, soda pop and juices are just not good for us.

These foods are high-glycemic. That means they spike your blood sugar...only to see it plummet an hour or so later thus creating fluctuating blood sugars that lead to cravings and bingeing and no room for healthy choices.

Such cravings are not about will power. They are about metabolic imbalance that creates cravings for fast sugar and carbohydrate snacks.

The following are ways many people have successfully kicked that sugar habit and enjoyed good healthy food again.

The Ideal Diet - The ideal diet emphasizes fresh raw vegetables, some fresh fruit and fish and poultry.

Breakfast - include high protein foods... eggs, turkey sausages, or a smoothie made with a high quality Soy Protein or a meal in a bar- ours has 10 grams of protein!

Fresh fruit (avoid high glycemic fruits such as pineapple, banana and grapes)

Swiss oatmeal ( rolled oats softened overnight in milk or plain yogurt and fresh fruit.. blueberries, strawberries, etc and almonds) Yum!

Lunch is a great place for a main dish salad

Be sure to include lots of vegetables whether in salad or with a plate of fresh veggies, maybe with a dip.

Ideas for salads :

Try a variety of at least 6 different ingredients to create crunch, color, and flavor...

Veggies, veggies, veggies... try lightly steamed green beans or asparagus, a variety of greens ( except no iceberg lettuce .. no nutritional value there),sprouts, red cabbage, green cabbage, peas, shredded carrots, chopped broccoli, cauliflower, fresh white mushrooms, green onions, baby bok choi, spinach, assorted peppers, grated beet, cubed roasted squash etc

Add a little sweetness occasionally with dried cranberries or dried cherries, 1 fresh orange, rind removed and chopped, sliced apples, pears, grapes,

Add crunch with sliced almonds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds...or Shaklee Fiber Plan Daily Crunch

Add flavor with sundried tomatoes, fresh herbs ( water cress, parsley, cilantro, ),pesto, artichoke hearts

For protein ...chopped, cooked chicken, turkey, tuna, garbanzo beans, chopped hard-cooked eggs, etc

Don't forget to make your own salad dressing.

Mid afternoon snacks... snack bars, energizing tea, vegetables and dip, fresh fruit, nuts, make some peanut butter fudge ( 1 cup organic peanut butter, Soy Protein - 1 cup, 1/3 cup honey)

Dinner - avoid high glycemic starches like potatoes, pasta and rice, avoid fried foods... Include, LOTS of vegetables... fresh or lightly steamed, meat, poultry and fish

Beverages... filtered water in a glass pitcher with cinnamon sticks, ginger root slices, or fresh mint for flavor

Evening snack - no popcorn... (high glycemic carb) nuts, veggies and dip, fruit,

Basic stop cravings for sweets and carbohydrates

High Quality Multi-Vitamin

A Complete B Complex (consider one with each meal)

Glucose Regulating Product

Fiber Tablets

Friendly Bacteria

Advanced Supplements - a daily all in one strip - great for on the go people!

All of these products are sold by Shaklee. You can find them in the product guide to the RIGHT. Please post if you want more information.

All the best for this holiday season !

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

stickers on produce: what do they mean?

Have you ever wondered if the numbers on those little stickers on the produce that we buy has any significance? I read something recently that helped me understand what all those numbers mean.
All conventionally grown produce contain 4 numbers
If it is organic, the code contains 5 numbers and begin with a 9
If the produce is Genetically modified, the code also contains 5 numbers but it begins with an 8.

Conventionally grown Banana: 4011

Organic Banana: 94011

Genetically Modified (yuck ) banana: 84011

Good to stay informed about what you are buying out there. I always try and suggest organic if available and the price is right. I don't like the word Genetically modified at all...but it is happening more and more. I want to eat real food, not something that someone changed or is trying to make into a food...

Energizing Soy protein from Shaklee is made from a non-GNO soy...and I love that. Great shake in the morning as well as protein powder for those yummy peanut butter balls.

Stay healthy everyone.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Recipe for Chicken and Dumplings

My son Paul, 15 years old, loves to cook. He thinks he may want to be a chef and restaurant owner some day. He occasionally cooks dinner for the family. I love it as I as a mom get a break and I am NOT allowed in the kitchen while he cooks. He is good, neat and his food is always great. He made this last night and we all loved it. Many have requested the recipe so here it is.
Not sure of the caloric content but it sure is good. We had some fresh cut up fruit along side but you could also make a wonderful green salad for a side.
Picture is Paul and me a few years ago....

Chicken and Dumplings

For the Soup:
2 T olive oil
1 3 pound chicken, cut into pieces. ( we used 3 whole skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut up )
1/4 c. flour, season ed with salt and pepper to taste
1 medium yellow onion, peeled and cut in chunks
2 carrots, peeled and cut in chucks
1 bay leaf
1 sprig thyme
1/4 tsp turmeric
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
4 c. low sodium chicken broth

For Dumplings:
1 1/2 c flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 c. coarsely ground cornmeal
1 T sugar
1 teas. kosher salt
1 3/4 c. heavy cream

In a wide, heavy pot with a tight fitting lid, heat the olive oil.
Dredge the chicken piece in the seasoned flour then brown in oil over medium heat., about 2 minutes per side. Remove chicken from the pot and set aside
Add the onion to the pot and cook for 1 minutes
Add the carrots, celery, bay leaf, thyme, turmeric, salt and pepper and cook for 1 minute more.
Stir in the broth.
Return the chicken to the pot, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine the first 5 dumpling ingredients.
Add the cream and mix until just combined.
Drop about 12 heaping tablespoons of the dumpling mixture into the pot.
Cover and simmer 12 minutes more.
To serve, scoop the dumplings and chicken into bowls then cover with broth.
Garnish with some fresh parsley if you like.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to school

It is here. The start of another school year. It is hard to believe. I am both happy and a little sad.
We had a wonderful summer albeit very busy. Trips, construction, camp, hockey, pool and friends. Now back to a routine and that is sure what I love. We get out calenders out and fill them up. It's all great and a little overwhelming at times. But what I always hope for is that my kids will have a great year...their best year ever. We start talking about healthy snacks, what is a 'good lunch' , washing hands, getting to bed early and building up our army of defense with good supplements.
Shaklee has some great choices for childrens nutrition that do not contain harmful ingredients or anything artificial. They are packed full of nutrients to keep our children healthy, alert and ready for learning.
Children: Preschool-Elementary school
1. Incredivites: The worlds best chewable Multi-vitamin
* packed with 600IU vitamin D and other critical bone-building nutrients.
* loaded with 23 essential nutrients for healthy development.
* sweetened with xylitol and contains no artificial colors

2. Mighty Smarts: chewable Omega 3
*100% natural, ultra pure DHA--essential for early brain development.
* gluten free
* taste like orange starburst candies.

3. Meal Shakes: yummy meal replacement shakes
* cocoa or french vanilla
* they provide 19 essential vitamins and mineral and are a rich course of calcium and protein when mixed with milk.
* Low-fat and low glycemic
These are great to serve to the picky eater in the morning or to the soccer player who has to run off to practice at 5pm or so and you don't have dinner ready.

My all time favorite snack for kids of any age:

Peanut butter balls
These are yummy and chewy little snack balls that taste like peanut butter cup candy but are good and healthy for you. They do not need to be refrigerated but I do keep a container of them in the fridge at all time.
1 cup soy protein powder; Shaklee energizing soy protein in either vanilla or chocolate.
1 c natural peanut butter: use one with nothing but peanuts and no added sugar. I like Trader Joes the best. so creamy
1/2 c. honey.
Mix it all together in a bowl until the powder is incorporated. Then break off some and form them into little balls. Yummy.....great after school snack, before an early morning workout or just about anytime....

My kids are getting home now so I will close now. Next time some good nutrients for the teenage years.
So let's hope for perfect attendance and the best year ever.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Suffering Allergies?

It seems to be that time again. People are complaining about allergies. Mom's are complaining about their kids with asthma. I am lucky to not suffer from seasonal allergies but many do. I have found in my business and working with people that by doing two things, many have been able to get off all of their allergy and asthma meds.

My son is one of them as he suffered from bad seasonal allergies that would lead into asthma as the symptoms and allergens got worse. This happened when he was four and five and now today at 14, he does not have asthma. He has been free of ALL symptoms for the past 9 years. Pretty exciting considering 1/2 of his hockey team had to pass an inhaler to their coach before a practice or a game.

Things to do?
1. Change all household cleaning products to Green....Get clean from Shaklee .
2. Begin a simple nutrition program with includes a multi-vitamin, vitamin c, A probiotic and a wonderful product called Nutriferon.

I use and trust the Shaklee brand as they test and test and test their products to make sure they are pure, potent and always pure.

Be well all.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Food for thought from Leanne Ely at Are we all just sugar junkies?

Some great Food For Thought from Leanne Ely from we just sugar junkies?
And re. supplements...of course I recommend Shaklee supplements as I have used them for 10 years and have seen such a positive change in my health and energy level as well as those of my children and husband, I do highly recommend them....

Have you noticed that your good intentions to eat better are derailed because of a socially acceptable addiction: we're sugar junkies. It's easy to brush this one off. It's not nearly as unacceptable as alcoholism; there are no 12 step programs dedicated to getting you off sugar. Its addictive traits are pictured beautifully in magazines, on television commercials and on the wrappers of the food itself: great big luscious looking cinnamon buns with melty icing dripping down the sides. Glossy chocolate bars waiting for us to sink our teeth into their brown riches. It's overpowering and intoxicating! But we have to understand this: sugar is most likely at the very heart and soul of our body clutter. No matter what form it takes, whether it be in the simple carb form of white rice or white flour, or something more obvious like ice cream, pie and chocolate, it has the same deleterious effect on our bodies: it makes us feel good for awhile, but then it tears us down to the ground--just like an addict who needs another fix.
I'm here to tell you it's time to get real and call food a drug when it acts like one and that is exactly what sugar is doing. A Princeton study found that fast food and sweets can be nearly as addictive as heroin because they set off hormonal changes in the body. They believe that eating a lot of foods that are high in fat and sugar can activate your brain the same way drugs can. That's scary! But it doesn't have to be that way! You can make some simple changes that will set you free from this bondage. Here is a simple list to help you kick your sugar habit:
1) Eat good quality protein sources with each meal. Making sure you have protein will help stabilize your blood sugar. Stable blood sugar means you will feel better and are less likely to develop the cravings that pull you down

.2) Make an easy exchange. White flour, white sugar and white rice do nothing for you nutritionally. Nothing! Change them out for whole wheat flour, xylitol (see for info) and brown rice. Easy substitutes and you will notice a dramatic difference in how you feel. If it is difficult to completely change, start mixing the white with the brown and making the change gradually.

3) Supplements may help. Specifically, vitamin C, a B-complex, calcium with magnesium and chromium picolinate. Please understand: this is information I have gathered: I am not diagnosing nor prescribing anything to anyone! Please don't email me asking me how to use these supplements or which ones to buy.

4) Move! That means the e-word: exercise! When you move, you produce endorphins. Endorphins make you happy and this will in turn also help to quell the desire and craving of sugar. (although you crash later on sugar; you don't from exercise induced endorphins). Above all, stay balanced when you eat! You need protein, complex carbohydrates (not the simple ones!), fats and water. My menus are designed to be very balanced and will help you get your nutritional self together for dinner.

Go to the website and pick up your free menu and shopping list when you sign up for our newsletters. You are your own nutritional expert for your own body. I've said that for years starting in my very first book. You need balanced eating, a healthy dose of common sense and a new attitude that says yes to success!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

a new study about green tea and Depression

This is great info about green tea and it's tie into helping decrease the incidence of Depression. They are so many other benefits of green tea.

Green Tea May Be Beneficial in Reducing Symptoms of Depression.

Date: 1/22/2010

Source: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Related Monographs: Depression, Green Tea

Depression has been classified as a mood disorder or affective disorder. Mood is defined as a pervasive and sustained emotion that, in the extreme, markedly affects a person's perception of the world and ability to adequately function in society. Mood disorders are among the most common encountered in clinical practice and are divided into depressive disorders and bipolar disorders. There are over 187 million adults in the United States – and about 19 million of these people will experience a depressive episode in any given year, making depression the most common psychiatric disorder encountered in general medical practice. Women are two to three times more likely to experience depression than men.

Depression is a one-two punch that knocks the sufferer out of the ring on a daily basis. Number one, the symptoms themselves make life miserable. Number two, the depressed individual struggles to function and keep up with the life's normal demands. Conventional treatment for depression is aimed both at reducing symptoms and helping the individual regain the ability to function they once enjoyed. Usually the treatment includes psychotherapy and the use of anti-depressant medications.

Green tea is an evergreen shrub that has long been used in much of the world as a popular beverage and a respected medicinal agent. An early Chinese Materia Medica lists green tea as an agent to promote digestion, improve mental faculties, decrease flatulence and regulate body temperature. The earliest known record of consumption is around 2700 B.C. Ceremonies, celebrations, relaxation time and ordinary meals usually consist of tea in most parts of the world, except the United States, where coffee has become the most popular beverage. Unlike black tea (also Camellia sinensis) which is produced by oxidizing the young tea leaves, green tea is produced from steaming fresh leaves at high temperatures, thereby inactivating the oxidizing enzymes and leaving the polyphenol content intact.

Green tea is an antioxidant and is used in promoting cardiovascular health and reducing serum cholesterol levels in laboratory animals and humans. Studies suggest that green tea contains dietary factors that help decrease the development of some infectious diseases and dental caries. Green tea has diuretic, stimulant, astringent, antibacterial, antifungal, anticarcinogenic, thermogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea has also been reported to enhance immunity.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition investigated the relations between green tea consumption and symptoms of depression. The researchers conducted a cross-sectional study involving 1,058 relatively healthy elderly individuals aged 70 and older. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess green tea consumption and the 30-item Geriatric Depression Scale was used to evaluate symptoms of depression. Results indicated the more frequent consumption of green tea was associated with a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms. Dr. Niu noted that “A green tea component, the amino acid theanine, which is thought to have a tranquilizing effect on the brain, may explain the "potentially beneficial effect" shown in the current study.”1

1 Niu K, Hozawa A, Kuriyama S, et al. Green tea consumption is associated with depressive symptoms in the elderly. Am J Clin Nutr. Dec2009;90(6):1615-22.

The Benefits of Shaklee"Cinch Energy Tea Mix" : CallDA prohibits Shaklee from making medicinal claims regarding this incredibly valuable product, but if you do your research, you will discover that this is a tea that you will want to drink everyday due to its long list of benefits.
Ingredients of Cinch Energy Tea Mi are as follows:

* Taurine “ an amino acid
* Maltodextrin – a polysaccharide produced from corn starch

* Rooibos Red Tea Extract – an native plant (herb) only found in the Cedarburg mountain region of South Africa … known as "The Miracle Tea" or "Long Life Tea"

* Green Tea Extract – anti-oxidant blend
* Natural Flavors

* White Tea Extract – the least processed form of tea

* Matcha Green Tea Powder – Japan’s highest grade of green tea (the greener than green superfood"

Shaklee refers to it as "Liquid Oomph"

Containing exotic white, red and Matcha green teas

* that make an extraordinary drink
* which is a safe, natural, healthy, and effective alternative for boosting energy

* with only 5 calories per serving
* great in hot or iced water

Red, white, green & Matcha teas are ranked as leading health-giving substances in traditional Chinese medicine

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Interesting the Zero Calorie foolds make you fat?

"Are "zero calorie" foods making you fat?"

That question might seem like a no-brainer. Eating calorie-free foods rather than foods that contain calories has to be helpful in keeping your weight under control. Right?

Maybe not. Let's investigate that question by looking at calorie-free soft drinks. What does the evidence actually show?

Between the years 1987 and 2000 the number of people drinking calorie free soft drinks in this country increased from 70 million to 160 million.

During that same period of time:

- the percentage of adults who were overweight increased from 52% to 66%.

- the percentage of adults who were obese (obese is defined as a BMI greater than 30) increased from 20% to 32%

- the percentage of children who were obese increased from 10% to 17%.

Something clearly isn't working. "Why is that?" you might ask.

The answer is that we are using these calorie-free soft drinks to wash down Big Macs plus fries, Mrs.
Fields' super-size brownies and Starbucks' chocolate chip muffins.

Is that just coincidence or is something else going on here?

To answer that question we might want to consider a recent study that looked at the effect of soft drink consumption on obesity and the health consequences associated with obesity.

That study followed 6039 participants in the Framingham Heart study for four years (Dhingra et al, Circulation,
116: 480-488, 2007). All of the participants were free of metabolic syndrome, a medical condition associated with obesity that greatly increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease, at the beginning of the study.

As they had expected the scientists found that those subjects who consumed one or more sugar-containing soft drinks a day were 48% more likely to develop obesity and metabolic syndrome than subjects who consumed water or other natural beverages that were low in sugar.

But the scientists were astounded to find that subjects who consumed one or more diet soft drinks a day were just as likely to develop obesity and metabolic syndrome as subjects who consumed regular soft drinks!

This could not be explained by differences in their diet or exercise levels. Simple put the food choices of the all three groups were equally bad and they exercised to about the same extent - which wasn't very much.

The authors were at a loss to explain their results.

- Some experts think that the effects are all psychological. The theory is that we think we are being virtuous by drinking zero calorie soft drinks, so we give ourselves permission to eat more high fat, high calorie foods.

- Other experts think that the effects are chemical.
The theory is that the high sweetness of both diet and regular soft drinks causes the brain to release chemicals that make us crave other sweet foods - so we eat more.

Even though the mechanism of the effect is unclear, the results are crystal clear. The authors of the study concluded "In middle-aged adults, soft-drink consumption [both diet and regular] is associated with a higher prevalence of obesity and increased incidence of multiple metabolic risk factors [for diabetes and heart disease]".

So the next time you reach for that "zero calorie" soft drink or the packets of "zero calorie" sweeteners to add to your coffee or tea, just be aware that there is no evidence that they are useful in helping you control your weight.

And there is some evidence that they may even be making your weight control problems worse by encouraging you to eat high calorie foods to go along with them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Consumer group urges bisphenol A and phthalate phase out

Building awareness in worldwide consumer groups to the dangers of bisphenol A and phthalates. Good news is that Shaklee products are free of these harmful chemicals. Stay Healthy Everyone.

Consumer group urges bisphenol A and phthalate phase out