Tuesday, April 19, 2011

In Honor of Earth Day 2011

Ever wondered what we can do to Keep ourselves and the Earthy Healthy?

Try of few of these.

1. Start by replacing a bunch of your cleaners (your general spray cleaner, glass cleaner, counter top cleaner, floor and bathroom cleaners) with a natural, nontoxic all-purpose cleaner. You will only need one to do that. Really!

2.Recycle one plastic bottle today and you'll save enough energy
to power an MP3 player for 141 hours. Or take 77 hours worth
of digital pictures.

3. Recycle as much as you can: Most electronics contain heavy metals, which can be harmful to the environment. These devices are also being thrown away at an alarming rate – accounting for 70% of the toxic waste in landfills. Find a recycling center by you.

4. Replace your laundry detergent with a natural nontoxic one so the clothes you wear and the sheets you sleep on have no fumes for you to breathe.

5.Shop the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid processed food. Even better, choose organic and locally grown meats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. Find farmers markets or local food co-ops to join.

6. Use BPA-free plastic baby bottles and fill them with breast milk or organic formula. Choose powdered formula over canned formula to avoid BPA leaching from the can-lining.

7. Avoid chlorinated household products such as paper towels, toilet paper and coffee filters. Buying paper products made from post-consumer content helps curb the global warming pollution, save the forests, energy and water.

8. Stop buying bottled water—NOW. Instead, buy a water filter pitcher and keep two in your fridge at all times.

9. Walk more often, car-pool to work or events. Use public transportation.

10. Compost: This assists to reduce the amount of waste sent to the landfills. In the meantime it creates a healthy fertilizer for your plants and flowers.

11. Reuse: Reuse bottle, containers, boxes etc. Be creative to think of ways to reuse items you may normally throw away. My son recently made a boot scraper out of bottle caps and a large piece of wood. Works great outside after gardening.

The list could go on and on.
Try one thing a day or more.....
Think about planting a tree.
Each Human needs 10 tress to supply enough oxygen to breathe for one year.

Be Kind and leave a gentle footprint on the earth. She will appreciate it .