Happy holidays to all of you. I feel like I am coming out of the fog of Christmas chaos. It was all good but the preparing really can take over,sometimes with out you even knowing.
This year it caught up with me. Me who is 'never' sick, caught a little something. It cramps your style when you get sick. And at this time of year it sure gets in the way.
A few things that happened.
Sore throat
SI joint and low back pain!!!
Sore muscles.
Stuffy nose
What I did to help.
Increased my immune support. By that I mean I took more vitamin C, more vitamin D3, more probiotics and more Nutriferon, one of my favorite herbal supplements. http://tinyurl.com/2b8mj41 Clinically proven and patented by Shaklee, these four plant extract, when taken together, actually help your body produce more interferon, a component of your immune system (similar to the spark plugs of a car). It is safe to take 6 a day. And I did. I look enough Vitamin C until I felt like it was causing a mild diarrhea. That is when you know you have had enough. Vitamin C is water soluble so it will get rid of what you don't need. I needed a lot.
What else did I do?
Got a massage and an adjustment. I loved the massage as my chiropractor used essential oil during the massage. They helped to reduce the pain and relax my muscles. My favorites( as well as my chiropractor ) are PanAway, Valor and Peppermint. All from Young living oils. Wonderfully effective and smell great.
Hot Yoga: my local health club has a hot yoga class I just love. The past few weeks leading up to Christmas, the instructor has been leading in a practice of detox. 1 1/2 hours of 100 degree temps and twisting and Vinysa flow yoga, and you feel great. I highly recommend some type of yoga as a form of relaxation, stretching and quieting the mind. So essential at this time of year.
Cut down on my sugar intake.
Sugar impacts your immune system in a negative way. By decreasing your sweets and adding a pro biotic can help you combat the attack on your immunity. I often add B complex along with Optiflora to help reduce my cravings for sweets and increase my energy.
Rest, rest, rest. It was hard with so much to do but taking a little nap during the day and trying to get to bed a little earlier can make a difference. I tried but now that all the presents are opened and relatives gone home, I am not setting the alarm.
Holidays can catch up with you for sure. I don't think I was prepared as well as I should have been. Next time I will remember how I felt this Christmas and start boosting my immunity a few weeks before the holiday.
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